Email thread hijacking

Stop malicious emails that hijack legitimate conversations to deliver fraud or malware, bypassing traditional defenses.


Attackers exploit legitimate email threads

In thread hijacking, attackers insert malicious messages into legitimate email conversations, often using leaked content to create fake replies or forwards from trusted sources. In advanced cases, they may compromise actual email accounts to increase credibility.

Unlike traditional phishing, thread hijacking targets specific individuals or groups, making it harder to detect as the malicious messages blend in. Recipients are more likely to trust and act on them, making this attack particularly dangerous for organizations.


How xorlab detects and blocks email thread hijacking

xorlab proactively detects and blocks email thread-hijacking attacks, even when they use leaked or compromised email content to appear legitimate. It provides real-time analysis of email content, attachments, and links, recognizing suspicious elements that deviate from the expected norms of legitimate communication threads.

The xorlab Security Platform blocks these hijacked emails before they reach the users' inboxes.


Email thread hijacking techniques and characteristics


Hijacked threads

Attackers insert malicious messages into active email threads using leaked content or compromised accounts.



Attackers mimic trusted senders by replying to real email threads, making the message seem legitimate.


Fake Display Names

Display names often include the spoofed sender’s address or name to imitate a trusted contact.


Increased Trust

Recipients are more likely to fall for these attacks as the emails reference real topics within ongoing conversations.



Malicious links or attachments are often hidden in normal-looking email responses, making them harder to detect.



These attacks target specific individuals or groups, using thread context to increase their success rate.

Within the MITRE ATT&CK® Matrix, email thread hijacking maps best to Phishing for Information and Phishing as two techniques aimed at the tactical objective of Reconnaissance and Initial Access.

Detect and block sophisticated email thread hijacking

See how xorlab protects your organization proactively against email thread hijacking attacks with advanced behavioral AI and real-time threat detection.

Trusted by organizations with highest security needs