Test your email security 

How well is your organization protected against phishing, business email compromise, and ransomware? Test the effectiveness of your email security system against current attack methods with xorlab's «Email Attack Simulation».

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How does it work?

Our simulation tests the full range of modern email attacks. Our scenarios let you decide which attack vectors to test, and quickly provide guidance on how to minimize the attack surface.

Three steps to get your results:

1. We discuss attack types, methods and obfuscation tactics to be tested.

2. You define recipient address and start date.

3. xorlab simulates and you receive a comprehensive report.


The result

The simulation report provides a detailed assessment of which attack types were detected by your current solution and which made it through.

You will receive specific recommendations for closing existing security gaps.


Your benefits


Identification of security gaps thanks to realistic attacks.


Customizable scenarios tailored to your organization's needs.


Detailed feedback and report with recommendations.

The price for our attack simulation is CHF 1'750. We credit this amount to our customers for a follow-up project with xorlab.

Request email attack simulation

Trusted by organizations with highest security needs

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to do?

Nothing – sit back and relax! Once the details have been clarified and you have given us a recipient address, xorlab will start the simulation.

How soon can we start with the simulation?

We will contact you after receiving the request. The only task before getting started with the simulation is for you to choose the scenarios. As soon as these are chosen, we can get started.

Which attack types, methods and obfuscation tactics are part of the simulation?

We discuss your organization's needs and choose from the following:

Attack types: Business email compromise, credential phishing, spearphishing, QR code phishing, malware, and more.

Attack methods: Spoofing, lokalike domain, open redirect, VIP impersonation, brand impersonation, PDF files, Office macros, and more.

Obfuscation tactics: HTML smuggling, QR code, URL shorteners, content as image, and more.


Will any of my data be exposed during the xorlab attack simulation?

No, we will only simulate realistic attacks. Your company will not be exposed to real phishing, malware or anything else that could harm your systems.