Better email security: CERN selects xorlab to secure email their way
In July 2023, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics CERN made an internal announcement about deploying xorlab to protect their mailboxes against malicious, unwanted, and unsolicited emails. For an Organization like CERN where emails come from all corners of the planet, are written and read in all languages of the world, and are answered day and night, training even a spam filter is an enormous task. At the same time, the consequences of a successful attack can be enormous, considering the organization’s size.

CERN’s mail service and Computer Security team decided to deploy xorlab to enhance their existing solution which was showing deficiencies in fighting modern email attacks such as phishing.
5 months after launch, xorlab is excited to disclose the first results: xorlab discovered 4x more potential threats than the currently deployed solution for advanced threat protection.
More security: 4x higher threat detection
As part of the evaluation procedure, in March 2023 CERN tested both systems in parallel. For two weeks xorlab and the existing system processed all incoming emails, and out of 1.9M emails received, xorlab quarantined 126.6K potential threats while the alternative solution detected only 34.4K*.
*About the data: CERN compared the security decisions of Microsoft Defender for O365 (MDO) and xorlab. Both systems processed the same 1 969 869 emails during 7.3.-20.3.2023
Additional 18 253 phishing cases stopped thanks to xorlab
Conducting an in-depth analysis of the 96K emails quarantined by xorlab and delivered by the alternative solution, we broke down the data by verdict. 19% (18 253) of those emails were phishing attacks and 1% other types of attacks, including BEC, extortion, malware, etc. xorlab was able to stop all these additional cases.
Minimizing customer operational effort & costs is one of our core business principles and we couldn’t be more proud of demonstrating first success records in helping CERN boost their email defense system.